Looking to the Future

Mel’s Story

Prior to pandemic a few years ago I was diagnosed with a case of postpartum psychosis and admitted to a mother and baby unit in another borough.  After the serious part of my illness subsided, without the need for a mental health section, I returned.

On my return I was given a nurse and then therapist and an occupational therapist.  Along recovery was in progress I couldn’t have been better advised by these along with my very (very very) few friends and Innovate founder Leanne and director no.2 Angela

Thanks to them I am in one piece still, literally…. I was discharged at the beginning of lockdown but have still managed to stay well.

As for my son… he and his big sis are fine and so is my other half xx

Have a story to share?

Everyone has something to say about their experiences of the pandemic and the sort of world they want to live in when it’s over. Help build Knowsley’s story of Covid and the future. No matter how big or small you think it is, we want to hear from you!

Don’t worry about spelling or grammar- your story can be in any form: a poem, drawing, video, audio clip, or narrative. We want to hear from you in your own words.

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